Mommy’s Little Bird

So, this whole time I thought I was going to have this giant kid. Not only was he not giant, he is technically a preemie. But barely. He was born at 36 weeks and 6 days. 37 weeks is considered full term. He was 5 lbs. 9 oz. Full size babies are 6 lbs. So, he’s premature by 1 day and 7 ounces. But, he’s healthy and fine…just little. I call him my little bird. He has this squeaky little cry…until he gets really mad and then he sounds like a teradactyl (spelling?). Everyone comments on how tiny he is…and he is, but since he’s my first, he doesn’t seem THAT little to me. Until I see 10 pound babies who all look like monsters compared to Henry. Anyway, I took some pictures. The yellow teddy bear in the photo is a little larger than a Beanie Baby…so if that gives you some context for size. I’m trying to think of what I could lay next to him for a sense of scale, but I can’t think of anything…

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    master henry is way too adorable to be a newborn!!! babies are ugly. keely looked like an orangutan (sp?). colin looked like a 90 year old man. master henry looks like a tiny 3 month old. wow.

    so i need your address so i can have christian ship you the little deal i made him. i’m going to knit him an outfit for the winter months. he will wear it if you like it or not :)

    okay, i’m in pain. call me when you aren’t feeding or sleeping… for our obligtory 6 week calls :)

  2. 2

    ohhhh, so cute!

    can you please take a pic of your baby bedding for me?

  3. 3

    Pictures!! Finally!! I didn’t get to see him with his eyes open, I don’t know which is cuter. Put him next to a baseball cap if you need some scale. They are a standard size.

  4. 4

    Congratulations on sweet baby Henry! He is SO cute!
    There is nothing like a new tiny baby – I so loved and treasured my babies in the newborn stage. Before you know it he’ll be a “monster” baby too – My little guy is already 16.5 pounds!

  5. 5

    He has your nose. Does he look more like you or Andy?

  6. 6

    my sister put a water bottle next to her 6lb baby to give us an idea of how little he was. you should do a picture with that. oh, he’s soooo cute! and can i say again how much i love the name henry!!

    (also, the picture with andy in the last post made him look soooo small!)