Sunday Smiles



If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you know that we have been rallying hard to have a #teamjilly shirt and/or bracelet represented in each of the 50 states.

The plan is that everyone will wear their shirt/band on Sunday, November 17th (the day of the 5K) and snap a photo of themselves and share it on their social media channels with the tag #teamjilly.

Orders were SUPPOSED to close on Friday, but we were so close to our goal of all 50 states (and by the way, no one was more pleasantly surprised by that than I was!) that I decided to keep it open for a couple more days just to see if we could actually do it.

Well, I can officially decree that I have the most amazing little group of readers in all of the blog universe.  We aren’t the biggest group out there.  But hot dang if you aren’t the most loving, giving, supportive, and FIERCE of them all.

Because BOOM.

team jilly

48 states out of 50.

And let’s not forget we’ll have #teamjilly reps in Canada, Australia, France, Japan, and Russia too!!!!

November 17th is gonna be a sea of purple on social media.  Can we get #teamjilly to trend on Twitter????  Let’s try.

I’m so excited that it will leave others asking why and what it’s for…and that epilepsy awareness will be spread.

After all…1 in 26.

In the meantime, if you know someone in Wyoming or Vermont, hit ’em up.

And if you’ve been putting off placing your own order (even if your state is already purple!), go for it.  I’m for real officially closing the shop tonight.

Happy Happy Sunday, friends.

Love you to the moon and back.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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