The Elephant in the Room

Yeah, I know.

That whole fundraising thing.
*Especially* in this economy.
Many of you are thinking:

“Great idea Jeannett! I hope you raise a lot of money!”
And then, under your breath: “but unfortunately it can’t come from me, because we can hardly make it as is with one income, three little mouths to feed, a mortgage we’re upside down on, and the kids are gonna need new shoes soon…”

I know.  I know.

I am right there with you.

But that’s the whole POINT of this adventure!

I don’t know about the rest of you, but so often I feel like my heart is bigger than my purse.

I want to give, I want to support, I want to participate.

But, the reality is: we’re not exactly rolling in it over here either.

Besides, there. is. so. much. hurt. out. there.

So many causes, so much to be raised.

I get overwhelmed, and I just throw in the towel altogether.

After all, no matter what I do, there will still be poverty and pain and disease and a need for even more research.  My measly donation isn’t going to solve the world’s problems…in fact, it won’t even make a *dent*…

…so why. even. BO.THER?

And beyond that, I don’t even know who to give to, or where.  It’s just too much to take in.

Am I right???

Did I just describe YOU?

‘Cuz I’m being totally honest right now and telling you that this is ME.

We recently had a speaker at church who said something along these lines, and it really spoke to me:

“Jesus fed 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish that the 12 disciples were able to scrounge up.  Even today, in 2010, you can buy a loaf of day old bread for $1.  And a can of sardines for $1.  That’s $7 of food.  Divided among 12 guys.  That works out to $0.58 per discliple.  So, with $0.58 per person, Jesus took that…and fed 5,000.”

This simple math impacted me profoundly.

Each of us can give a tiny bit.  We don’t have to have much.  We don’t have to give a huge sum.

We just need our proverbial 58 cents.

We have to do our part.  God can take care of the rest.

Don’t sit back and hope that every one else participates.

You tell your kids all the time that “every little bit helps”.

Now it’s time to show them you mean it.

Here’s my challenge to YOU:

No, not the *other* blog reader…YOU.

Can you find $10 per month to give?

Can you find $5 to give to each of the 2 guest blogger selected charities?

5 bucks.

Twice a month.


$5 once a month?

Whatever you can do.

I’m asking for your 58 cents.

Let God do the rest.

Because it’s all for His glory.


Yeah.  That’s what I thought too.

You in?

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    i can totally relate to this… every part of it.

    i organize a relay team that helps raise money for the american cancer society and sometimes i think – does it really help, does it matter. if i raise $100 does it even do any good? but when i step back and look at the whole picture: last year my team raised around $5000 and the event we participated in raised around $250000. and there are literally thousands of other relays going on. so in the grand scheme of things my $10 that i have to pay to walk does make a difference.

  2. 2

    i’m in! thanks for making our part easier in this, for organizing the charities, and highlighting them!

  3. 3

    lovely idea and so well put … it’s all God’s and we’re abundantly blessed, even if we feel like or we are really struggling … I’m with you – we get paralyzed by the magnitude of the problems we hear about … but if we start with our “58 cents,” it’s a sacrifice, an offering, investing in someone else’s life for the greater good – that’s beautiful & Biblical

  4. 4

    for sure. love your idea. can’t wait to watch it unfold.

  5. 5

    Hi Jeannett,
    I’ve loved following along in your blog (as a stalker/lurker) since you had the girls. (I had twin girls on 8.31.09) and am really rooting for this new idea of your to take off. I’m sure you’ve thought of all the logistics and legalities, but just in case you hadn’t I thought it was worth mentioning. I’m not sure if you follow the mcclenahan’s blog or not (, but Jess had been doing raffles like you describe and ran into some hot water because it was considered gambling. I really love your concept and don’t want you to hit any roadblocks so I felt it should be brought up. I think she found a way around it and there were many great ideas left in the comments when she shared the news so you might want to check it out.

    Hope your google analytics are seeing record numbers. lol!

    Take Care, Jodi

  6. 6

    Yes, I know about all the silly “gambling” rules. In fact, my post for tomorrow is all about the nitty-gritty money stuff. Where does it go? How do you donate? Etc., etc., etc…

    Thanks for point it out though! :)

  7. 7

    Don’t forget the lady with only two last coins! Jesus himself said that was better then what the rich gave anyway ^_^

  8. 8

    Years ago I was afraid to give anything except 10 percent of our *take home* pay to our church. Then I took a leap and started giving 10 percent of our whole paycheck. Then I started donating 5 dollars a month to a charity, then in a total God leap we started sponsoring a Compassion child. Then we started giving more than 10 percent to our church…ok, ok, I’m not saying “look at me, look at me!” I’m saying “look at God!” look at how BIG He is, and how He has faithfully provided every time we have taken a financial leap when it comes to giving. I’m a stay at home mom, and my husband is a teacher in rural Maine. That equals Not Very Much Income. But one thing we have learned is that the more we sacrifice, the more He blesses. I think you have a fantastic thing going-not only are you encouraging people to give, but you are making it fun and promoting awareness of some great causes. Good for you!