Link Love


Summa Summa SummaTIIIIIME! Doesn’t this just look HEAVENLY?  Yespleasethankyou.

this is life.  (and i’m not sorry.) – SortaCrunchy  Gah. I love this.  Also Megan.

A [Disability] Ministry for Parents at the End of Their Rope – Christianity Today  Y’all.  I get this.  Not fully.  But I get this.

On Parenting Teens… – Jen Hatmaker.  I am one of those terrified of teenagedhood.  This makes me excited.

On Parenting Teens That Struggle – Jen Hatmaker.  A fantastic follow up to the one above.  I cried reading.  Because I could feel the mama’s heart in her words.  Her desperation.  Her exhaustion.  Her hope.


Read (or write) anything extra good this week?  Share it in the comments!  I’d love to see what you found out in the big world wide web!



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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1
    Megan Tietz says:

    Thanks for the link love, sweet friend!

  2. 2
    Holly D says:

    I am loving your “Link Love” posts. This one about the rhythm of respite…it is spot on. I have tried to explain this to my son’s caseworker and providers (he’s 13), but they seem to think it’s ok for them to say that I need to do something for myself or they will only provide respite if I do XX (that might have made me drop the f-bomb). This link you shared…I was actually sitting at the computer saying, “YES, that is so true,” while reading it. I like the lighter ones too (seriously…tattoos). Anyhow…I enjoy reading your posts.