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If you’ve been around a while, you know that we’ve been juicing off and on for about a year now.  Some weeks, we’re really good about it and I make juice almost every day of the week and sometimes I fall off the wagon.

We hadn’t actually made juice in a few months because the original Jack LaLane juicer I bought a year ago was acting wonky.  You know how your washing machine will get off balance sometimes and knock and rock and you sprint to it to try to balance the wet load?

Well, that’s what kept happening.  And I’d have to stop mid juicing to take it all apart, try to figure out the issue, put it back together…in the meantime, juice was sputtering all over the counter…it was a disaster.  And messy.  And time consuming.

Luckily I had bought it at Costco and got a full refund and then got myself a Breville.

You guys.

You really do get what you pay for.  SO much better, faster, and more powerful.

(not sponsored.  just tellin’ ya.)


I’m wearing this to the Walk to End Epilepsy this year.

Judge me.


Henry didn’t even place the first two competitions of the series, but he took first last weekend.  (In his age division: 7 and under.)

I’m not entirely sure what the difference was, but I’m really glad he made the (makeshift) podium.  He doesn’t have to win, but I think it may have put a little bit of a fire in his belly again.

Either way, I’m proud of him.



And this is what happens when you have older siblings.

Also, apparently you don’t wear clothes.

Pretty much ever.

Henry and the girls are only 25 months apart so there wasn’t a lot of copying of older siblings.  They are much more like peers for the most part.  But with a five year gap between him and his older brother, it’s been a different experience to see the interactions.  The dynamic is totally different.


Somewhere mid folding load 7 of 10, the kids asked if they could play with facepaint.  Sure, I thought.  Just let me get through this laundry.

A few minutes later they came back like this: Henry was now Harry Potter (complete with a Nimbus 2000!) and Lucy was Professor McGonagall (when she’s a cat).  They literally spent all day role playing and I heard “Mr. Longbottom!  Come back!  You’ll fall!” coming from various parts of the house.

I got Henry the book series for Christmas and the movies.  I read aloud to him most nights, and we finally got through the first book and watched the movie as a family.  (You’re only allowed to watch the movie when the book is finished.  House rule.)  Lucy was so interested, she’s now joining in our nightly read aloud time and we’re chipping through Chamber of Secrets at a pretty good pace.




And then the very next day, a request for facepaint was made again.

And this kid spent literally all day running around the house on a broom.

And eventually used his skateboard to glide around.  With a broom.  And facepaint.

I had/have never read any of the Potter books so I had no idea.  I just thought they would be a good series of chapter books to read at night.  I would have never guessed that he would love them so much.  Especially since my kids don’t pretend play a lot to begin with.

Needless to say, it’s been fun to watch.

So basically: put Harry Potter in the same category as skateboarding.  Something neither parents are remotely “into”, but the kid globs onto.

Also, this is what I look like with no makeup.  It’s a good look.  You should pin that.


The beach is not my favorite.  At all.

But it’s Henry’s spring break, and I thought I should do something fun on at least one of the days.  It was overcast and chilly, and I tried to get out of it, but the kids were having none of my waffling.


(Actually, no.  I didn’t “promise”.  I simply said we would go.  But I didn’t promise.)

Owen spent the bulk of his time screaming “CHI CHIS!!!!!!” at the top of his lungs and trying to catch seagulls.

When a gull flew away, high into the sky, he stopped dead in his tracks and “oooooohhhhhhh….”

He’s not used to chi chi’s flying away.

Once he got over the shock of flight, he was regularly furious that he couldn’t catch one.  And he would look at me incredulously like “MOM!  A little help here???”

Your turn!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    There’s no reason you can’t look glamorous while you walk to end epilepsy. // Love that pic of porkchop working on the skateboard. // have a good week! xo
    Anne @ anne b. good´s last blog post week in review: 3/28-4/17//2014