
InstaFriday.  Nice and late.  Because I was too lazy to prep it last night.

And of course this morning was CUH-razy.


Insane asylum style around here.

But now…the three bigs are off at their respective schools, O-Bo is sleeping and the house is quiet.

A disaster reenactment of Hurricane Katrina, but quiet.

The dishes can wait.  It’s InstaFriday!

Genetics are BIZARRE.

Uncle Duncan and Cousin Tess sucked these two fingers as babies.

Henry does it.

Lucy does it.

Jilly does it.

OWEN does it.


Andy’s dad passed away earlier this year and we have an old orange chippy trunk of his in our living room to store shoes.

The kids found this old sugar packet in it.

From 1962.

I seriously think I’m gonna frame it.

Super fun.

Also fun?

This adorable lemonade stand drink set up at a baby shower I went to last weekend.

I’m basically gonna steal this idea for some future party of mine.

Be forewarned.

Baby skullzzzz.

And baby plaid.

And baby rolls.

And baby smiles.


Not rad?

This chick.

Who falls asleep mid mess making.

And to think…she used to be my favorite.

Sneaking out to have some coffee and girl chat with Lindsey?


We have to schedule like months in advance to actually make it work.

It’s pathetic.

But so sweet when we finally connect.

And Owen got snuggles.

Which he clearly wanted to hold onto forever.

Wanna know what may well be one of the worst things in the UNIVERSE?

Having to wake up not one, not two, but ALL THREE little ones from nap so you can go pick up big brother from school.

Yuck.  Yuck.  Yuck.

I have a neighbor who keeps telling me that she is happy to help…but I’m so prideful and lame I can’t bring myself to actually ask her.  I just assume she’s being nice, but doesn’t really mean it.

Anyone else feel that way too?

Baby boy can’t tolerate dairy, just like his big brother.

This mama can’t wrap her head around the fact that it’s happening again, so she keeps pushing the limits and seeing if maybe she can have just a wee bit.

No, no she cannot.

Because eating just a few ounces of cheesy goodness made for a baby that spit up like crazy, had a yucky rash all over his sweet cheeks, a rattly little chest, and very, very fussy all day.

Lucky for me, I have an Ergo.  The best invention on Earth.

If you don’t own one and have a baby, do it.  Worth every penny.  Burn your Bjorn.  I wouldn’t wish one of those on my worst enemy.  Awful.

Henry found his Buzz Lighyear watch and announced that he was going to keep it in Daddy’s watch case from now on to keep it safe.

Cutest thing EVER.

I love my boys.

Alrighty, your turn!  Grab a button, link up, and visit one another!!!

life rearranged

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Take your neighbor up on her offer. Right now! Go over there and just do it. // I hear ya tho. It’s hard for me to ask for help too. Really hard. But these days, if someone offers to help, I figure it’s God’s provision to help me keep my sanity. // And since she offered, it’s much different than if you actually had to step out and make a call for help. She did the hard part for you. // Okay, I’m done. // Have a great week! // PS Owen is super cute. But you already know that. :)
    Anne @ anne b. good´s last blog post ..The Truth is, I Believed a Lie: The Story of When I Found Out That God Gives Me More Than I Can Handle

  2. 2

    I started following you this week on instagram, love it! The watch one has to be my favorite, so cute! Love little boys and their daddys!
    Natalia´s last blog post ..Insta-Friday ~ My Life through Instagram

  3. 3

    I love the lemonade stand so cute, I will steal it too. :)

  4. 4

    Love the baby photos! So glad you’re able to get so many pictures of them when they’re little…they grow up so fast as the saying goes. But they really do! Thanks for sharing your family and this blog party. Blessings!

  5. 5

    LOVE the pic of your daughter asleep with all of her books and the Buzz Light Year watch…SO cute!!

  6. 6

    being from seattle, that sugar packet has got to be just about the coolest thing EVER!
    and yes, having to wake up kids to go pick someone up. WORST. straight from hell.
    buzz lightyear watch = way too cute!
    rachel´s last blog post ..instafriday

  7. 7

    I TOTALLY never take people up on their offers to come watch the kids while I run and grab milk or the other kids (unless of course it’s my MIL who lives across the street)….which is SO dumb because, if when my kids are all in school, and if I were to have a neighbor with sleeping babies during school pick-up time, I’d totally tell her to ask me, and really, actually mean it! What’s wrong with us?! :-)
    Lindsay´s last blog post ..First Day of School {2012}

  8. 8

    Totally go ask your neighbor….like right now If all she has to do is sit in your living room and read a book while your littles nap twice a week, that is absolutely not imposing. And even if they wake up before you get home, post nap littles always need at least a half hour to really get crazy (or at least mine do!)

  9. 9

    My girls are now 8 and 11. I never took people up on those offers of help either. Now, I occasionally do ask for help and offer it too b/c I really mean it. Now when I accept the help, I look back and remember how crazy I was when I had nappers. So…please, accept the help! I am farther down the road and wish I had.

  10. 10

    Oh your photos are adorable!
    Veronica @ Germlisch´s last blog post ..Busy busy busy!

  11. 11

    Let your neighbor watch your kids! Seriously…if they’re sleeping she can just read a magazine for a few minutes. I never make offers like that unless I’m willing to follow through, and I bet she means it. Thanks for hosting another week!
    Kate´s last blog post ..Instafriday

  12. 12

    Seriously, holler at me if you want help w/ the dairy free stuff. I have a delicious substitute for everything.