Ever Had a Migraine? {Excedrin Migraine}

{Giveaway is now closed.  Congrats to Meg, Tina, and Tiffany on winning the Excedrin gift baskets!!!}

If your answer to that question is “No”, I’m happy for you.

Secretly bitter and maybe even a little hateful.  But as happy as I can be in this kind of situation.

If your answer is “Yes”…well, I’m super bummed out for you.

But you’re my people.  We’re all in this wretched little club together…and misery really does love company.

Me and migraines have a long and sordid history.

My grandma says she remembers me coming home from Kindergarten, just a wee 4 year old tyke (I was an early starter) and lying on the couch not wanting to play outside…my little arm draped across my eyes to protect myself from any kind of light.

Because when you have a migraine, it’s not just that your head feels like it’s going to explode into a million tiny pieces all over the living room.

No, because that would be somewhat bearable.

It’s the waves of nausea.  The nausea that you know if you actually did succumb to, would be just the little push your skull needed to do said exploding.

It’s the way that light suddenly turns menacing and hateful.  Natural sunlight that would otherwise be a welcome and beautiful thing?  Worst enemy.  Flourescent overhead lights?  Be gone you dreaded things!  A kid’s flashlight?  Chucked across a room in a split second.

Sound?  Of any kind whatsoever?  Shivers and goosebumps.  The ding of a text message is enough to send the room spinning.

Weird little blobs that make your vision all kaleidoscope scary.

Did I mention this feeling lasts HOURS (and for some people I know, DAYS)?!

I’ve dealt with migraines my whole life.

After I had my girls, I realized I was having them regularly.


In fact, I could actually predict it on a calendar…wait a minute…

I felt silly and ridiculous, but I mean, I’ve googled more ridiculous phrases.

Turns out, there is such a thing as a menstrual migraine.  Lovely.

In other words, not only did I get to experience the always fun and pleasant bloating and moodiness…I now got to look forward to at least a full day of being downright incapcitated.

Did I mention I have three kids?  Three kids who are 4 and under?  Three kids who can’t make their own lunches or wipe their own bottoms?

Migraine days = Movie days.  One movie after another.  Actually, who am I kidding?  It’s the same movie on loop because I can’t imagine getting up from my corpse like pose on the couch.

Where it takes every ounce of me to sort of chuck a slapshot peanut butter and jelly sandwich in their general direction and pray that I can get all the sticky off the furniture.  Tomorrow.  When my head isn’t threatening to kill me.

Over the years, I found that aspirin, ibuprofen…didn’t touch it.  I might as well have eaten a jelly bean for all the good it did.

I went to the doctor and got official migraine meds…but those made me feel weird and loopy and like I needed to lie down for different reasons.  Besides, I’m kinda weird when it comes to taking stuff like that.  I have the prescription in the cupboard for really bad times, but it’s kind of a “break glass in case of emergency” kind of thing.

But you know what I did find once a few years ago and is a STAPLE in my house at all times?

Excedrin Migraine.

Seriously people.

I have one bottle upstairs and one downstairs at any given time…because you know that in the middle of a migraine, having to climb a flight of stairs would be like asking me to run a marathon, climb Mt. Everest and then go chop some logs.

When I got an email asking if I would do a sponsored post for Excedrin Migraine, I thought “Seriously?  Easy.  No problem.  I won’t even have to try.”

I’ve learned that if I take it at the very beginning inkling of a migraine coming on, I can nip it in the bud.  Just like that.  No loopy weirdness.  No feeling drugged.  No lying on the couch all day praying that my kids are all alive and have all of their limbs by the end of it.  Easy peasy.

I remember almost being mad when I first discovered it “Why didn’t they come up with this twenty years ago?!  Dangit.”

Excedrin did a survey and sent along a few of the responses, and a couple of them made me giggle a little.  Not because they’re funny, but because I can SO relate.  I thought I’d share a couple of them with you:

  • A third (33%) would give up five percent of their annual salary rather than suffer from migraine pain
  • Other workers would toss their vacation days (26%) or weekends (17%)
  • And more than half (52%) would rather visit in-laws
  • More than three-quarters (87%) of working Americans would give up something for an entire year to never have to go through the pain of a migraine ever again
  • Eight in ten (83%) migraine sufferers confess that when they have a migraine, their family suffers as much as they do because of the impact it has on their ability to go about their regular routine

The folks at Excedrin sent me this fun gift basket…I like to think of it as a condolense for my suffering or some such thing.

It’s packed full with a bunch of fun stuff:

-A therapeutic neck wrap that can be heated or frozen (yes please)

-A soothing gel eye mask (bet it’ll look creepy but feel heavenly)

-A foot massager (that my son has absconded with and calls his bomb ball)

-A back massager (Andy?  Where’d you go?)

-And the basket itself is really cute too.  (I hate when the basket is ugly.  Don’t you?)

But let’s face it, my favorite are the:

-Coupon for a full sized bottle of Excedrin Migraine  (good thing because I was running low)

-Swarovski Crystal ear buds

-The $15 iTunes gift card

-And the $50 Amex gift card!!!


Don’t be!

Because the best part of this whole thing is that the peeps at Excedrin want me to give away not one, not two, but THREE of these gift baskets!!!

To enter to win one of the three gift baskets, just leave me a comment below telling me if you’re a migraine sufferer, or have one in your family.  Are you in my wretched little Migraine Club?  Or should I be super jealous that you’re not?  (1 entry per person).

I’ll pull three winners on Saturday, December 3.

In the meantime, here’s an Excedrin Migraine printable $1 off coupon.

You can also like their Facebook page where they offer more coupons, information on managing migraines, and even sweepstakes for fancy stuff like trips to spas. (This isn’t a giveaway entry.  Just letting you know.)


“This is a sponsored post.  Migraine relief and relaxation kit were provided by Novartis Consumer Healthcare, the makers of Excedrin® Migraine; my opinions, stories, are 100% my own.”



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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I’m a migraine sufferer and try to take medicine but always puke it up ;( Thankfully, I get only about two a year. Can’t imagine getting them more than that!

  2. 2

    I’m lucky that I only have the occasional headache, but my husband has very bad headaches pretty often.

  3. 3
    Betsy Scalzo says:

    My daughter Karlee gets migraines. As a mom it is so hard to see your child suffer and not be able to do much. The hardest part is when she gets them at a time she really needs to not be having one like finals week!! Just like you Migraine Excederin has also become her best friend. I know that she would love to win the gift basket and if she does not win I guess the next best thing is some $1 off coupons. Those pills are expensive for a starving college student but hey a girl can not be without her headache meds.

  4. 4

    I too suffer the menstrual migraine and both of my pregnancies I had horrible migraines…. bad enough that I would have to lay in a dark room because I was so light sensitive.
    I envy anyone who has never had a migraine!

  5. 5

    I’m in the club. And sooo wish that I wasn’t! This time of year, I’m (at least) a weekly sufferer. The rest of the year though…just 2-3/month. Whew. Thank goodness for that little break, huh? Mine last anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days. Yuck.

    And Excedrin Migraine is theeee best! In fact, we were in California for Thanksgiving and my friend’s husband had to run to Safeway first thing in the morning because I forgot my bottle at home (I never do that!). Excedrin and a heat pad/blanket are the only things that provide even the slightest little bit of relief… (You’d think I was supposed to write the sponsored post..haha!).

  6. 6

    Am definately a migraine sufferer. Within the past 3 months is when the lovely little world of migraines has stumbled across my brain. Sometimes nothing works. I’ve gone to the doc and he’s given me meds, sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. I just blogged a little bit about my migraines yesterday and when I came across your post I was totally inspired. It’s comforting to know other people have the same problems. Some days it feels like I want to crawl in a dark hole and never come out they can hurt that bad. Thanks for a great post and the opportunity! =)

  7. 7

    I remember a mirgraine in H.S. that had me crying and ultimately throwing up. I still have pretty bad headaches but very rarely any that are THAT bad.

    My eye dr. last week asked me if I suffered regular headaches. Apparently my not too bad but kinda bad vision paired with not wearing my glasses regularly made her predict (correctly) my frequent headaches. been wearing my glasses consistently since. :)

  8. 8

    I have awful visual migraines. This usually manifests cyclically, too, but I get the joyous side effect of losing total sight in my left side for up to 24 hours at a time. My migraines started when I was 8 and have only gotten worse over the last 22 years.

  9. 9

    I am a migraine sufferer. A few years back, I was getting 2-3 a week, for over a year. But after time they have worn away, and now get them very infrequently. Excedrin migraine is what I always take, chiropractor care has helped immensly as well.

  10. 10

    Oh how I feel your pain. I get monthly migraines too. Apparently, they might be genetic because my mom gets them too. Her doctor said they are due in part to hormonal changes & sometimes taking a Midol can help. But since that does not always take away the pain (more just a preventative measure), I will have to try that Excedrin. Great post!!

  11. 11

    oh my YES, I am a migraine SUFFERER!! They started about the time I turned 16 and have vivid memories of one hitting while driving home late one night and praying the entire way home for God to guide my car and get me home safe because I could not see. It was awful! since having kids they seem to be affected by my cycle. Excedrin Migraine is wonderful for me too..but I have to take it as soon as I think I *might* be getting a headache. My husband suffers from them as well and I am praying my kids don’t get them!

  12. 12

    I don’t get menstrual migraines, but I do get menstrual headaches. Having that added on to the crappiness of your period is definitely not fun. I have never tried Excedrin, more of a ibuprofen girl, but I will have to try it now!

  13. 13

    I used to get them often and a friend of mine recommended accupuncture. I finally gave in and went to the dr. for the “needle poking therapy”. I HAVE NOT HAD A MIGRAINE/HEADACHE of any kind in 3 months!!! I highly recommend! Seriously, call and run to the best accupuncturist you can find and see if it’s for you. Love the earbuds!

  14. 14

    I’ve had migraines for as long as I can remember. A lot like you, I have family members with memories of me crying myself to sleep at 7 because of my migraines. After countless neurologists, scans and medications, I wasn’t having any relief. Luckily, a few years ago, I went to a national clinic in Chicago with all of my medical records to find some answers. Did you know there are over 100 kinds of headaches! Now I know the triggers (for the most part) and it’s a long list. I still get headaches, but at least it’s not a daily occurrence anymore :)

  15. 15

    I get migraines every couple of months. No fun at all. I feel for you! Excedrin is amazing though! I have a bottle on hand at all times :)

  16. 16

    Im in that stupid club. I had 30 straight days with a migraine last month. Awful. Sorry you get them too :(

  17. 17

    When I was younger, I used to have migraines almost every month. They were debilitating, because I was sick for at least 3 days. Thanks God now I only get an occasional headache, but I think I got better since I start menopause.

  18. 18

    Unfortunately I am a migraine sufferer and unfortunately I cant figure out what triggers them. I have been suffering from migraines for about 10 years. They just started out of the blue. I have treid keeping journals to see any kind of pattern and I got nothing! It’s almost like I live in fear, wondering when the next one will hit. I would definately give up something for a year to get rid of migraines forever!

  19. 19

    Oh yeah!! I’m right there with you. I used to have headaches daily. Sometimes they were turn into migraines, but the headaches were always with me! I’ve seen two neurologists and taken all kinds of meds. Thankfully, I too can now predict when my migraine will come and it’s at “that time” of the month! ugh…

    with mine, I can’t lay down, I have to sit straight up and the nausea is just horrible… ugh…

    Thank you so much for this opportunity to win this gift basket!! I’m so excited!

    (oh, I’ve changed blogs, I was at theunsoccermom.blogspot.com, I’ve now merged and I’m at underthegeorgiasun.com ) :)

  20. 20

    I am a migraine sufferer as well. They were awful with my first pregnancy, pretty much the first 3 months felt like one big migraine after the next. After the twins, they haven’t been nearly as often. I find that if I feel one coming on, especially when it is raining (I seem to get them when it rains) I take meds & sip on a coke that helps to take it away.

  21. 21

    Not a migraine suffer, but have watched my sis, a dear friend and now you go through it. My heart hurts for you and all suffers. Wish I could do something to help…I am happy to wait on you as you deal with it. :(

  22. 22

    My Cousin and I both have terrible Migrains. Hers make her sick to her stomach but mine just make me want to hid in a hole. We both have boys that just turned 1, so you cant really stay in bed all day or hide in a hole. This is such a wonderful giveaway.

  23. 23

    A few tips on headaches.
    1. My dad’s famous remedy is very similar to excedrin migrane. 1 tylenol, 1 advil and a cup of caffeinated coffee. Works every time, although excedrin migrane seems much more convienient. (I am going to go do that right now since my headache started when I woke up this morning. Yaay!)
    2. Cut a cold lime in half and rub it on your forehead. It is magical. It takes the throbbing away. It doesn’t completely get rid of the headache but you can walk around again with out the thumping with every step.
    3. If you get recurrent headaches/migranes get your head checked. Literally. Insist on a scan of your brain. My dad had a hemmorhagic stroke, and just thought he had a really bad headache when he was actually bleeding in his brain. Scary stuff. He is very disabled from the effects of it now.
    Cute gift basket by the way! Thanks for sharing.

  24. 24

    Migraines since my teen years. Now I get the joy of having ocular migraines.
    And yes– excedrin migraine is an AWESOME med to help control them.
    Movie days are happen in this home as well.
    My prayer is that one day there is a cure.
    Have a blessed day!

  25. 25

    I am lucky that I don’t suffer from to many migraines but when I do its hard to deal with my two little ones. My husband on the other hand has them all the time and excedrin is the only thing that helps. Great giveaway, we would love to win one.

  26. 26

    I have never had a migraine, thank God, but I have lived with people who have, and it is not pleasant! I always feel so bad for them, the pain just seems so awful (I say seems because I can only imagine what they are going through) I would love to win!

  27. 27

    What a coincidence, I am in the throes of one right now! (And on the computer because I am apparently a masochist.) I seem to get them monthly with three days of ‘It’s Coming” and then the fourth of “Please Husband, Stay Home Today – I Ask Even Though I KNow You Can’t” It’s just fun like that.

    And of course, migraine days are the days that my toddler decides to be more crazy and curious than usual. Of course.

  28. 28

    My (least) favorite part of my migraines is the aura that comes first – the flashy kaleidoscope lights, numbness in one hand that travels up my arm into my face, and then BAM, the pain. The pain isn’t debilitating, but if you add in the nausea and sensitivity, I’m down for the count. =/

  29. 29

    Thankfully I am not a migraine-sufferer. I feel terrible for my friends who are!

  30. 30

    I am in the club, unfortunately! My mom gets horrible migraines and so do. They always happen at the worst possible times too. The nausea is what kills me the most, seriously incapacitates me for an entire day just about. I have done the prescriptions to but those make me feel weird and I still can’t get any work done. I don’t get them every month but usually about every 2 months and for some reason its worse in the Summer. My husband feels horrible too when I get them, he’s never had one and doesn’t even get headaches and tries to understand. He is also the sweetest man alive and tries to help, and then finally leaves me to rest in the dark.

  31. 31

    Migraines yes. The last time I took my migraine meds I had a panic attack because I hallucinated someone breaking into my house and went and hid on the floor of my car. Crazy!!

  32. 32

    Ugg…I have never had a migraine until this pregnancy, and they are horrible!! I even made an appointment with my ob to have my blood pressure checked, because I didn’t know I was just having migraines. No fun! I am thinking having my braces (yes braces as an adult..ugg!!) tightened is a trigger for them. Needless to say, they are coming OFF on Saturday!

  33. 33

    Fortunately not a migraine sufferer. Unfortunately my mom is and swears by Excedrin Migraine as well. The gift basket would be a lovely addition to her Christmas presents!

  34. 34

    Migraines are the worst! I’ve been getting them the past few years – I think they come when I get stressed or am too busy. (maybe it’s God’s way of telling me to slow down? ugh!) They’re awful and come with the throwing up and not being able to move. Excedrin is the only thing that helps even a little

  35. 35
    Susan Byrd says:

    I can totally relate. I have been a migraine sufferer for years. I was recently evaluated by a neurologist and put on a prescription but it makes me feel worse than the migraine which is hard to comprehend. I get migraine several times a month. A recent migraine was so bad and the meds. didn’t work so I couldn’t go to sleep. I resorted to wearing sunglasses in the house at 9:30 at night just to be able to tolerate the light.

    Cute basket.

  36. 36
    HannahBee says:

    I am very fortunate not to suffer from migraines.

  37. 37

    I’m sorry you have migraines. They are the worst feeling in the world. I get 4-6 a month since I was 12. Treatments rarely work on me, and to top it off I’m allergic to Acetaminophen so the wonder drug of Excedrin Migraine (even my neurologist calls it a wonder drug) I can’t take. Luckily, my wonderful husband is happy to make dinner or order in, but it’s a day of naps, trashy tv, and my “home remedy” Chocolate and Caffeine (this drives my neurologist crazy, but reports show it does help some)

  38. 38

    I am a migraine sufferer as well, no fun. I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with them for so long, mine didn’t start until about 4 or 5 years ago. When I found excedrin migraine it changed my life, that stuff is amazing, who knew a regular drugstore product could work SO good!?

  39. 39

    I have had migraines for years! I take a daily med now to that helps me not get them as often and I swear by Excederin Migraine when I feel one coming on, I think it makes a difference. Thanks for the chance to win, what an awesome basket!!! I would LOVE one!

  40. 40

    I am lucky to not get migraines, but I am sympathetic because I had sinus problems as a child (that eventualy required two surgeries to correct) that caused horrible sinus headaches.

  41. 41

    Oh, Honey, you know I do! Since I was a teenager (but wasn’t diagnosed until my early 30’s, and they were called hormonal). My son had cluster migraine headaches as a child (thankfully he outgrew them) and my daughter now suffers from migraines as well. This is NOT something you want to have passed down. I take prescription meds but know many who take Excedrin Migraine….I may have to try it! Nice giveaway!

  42. 42

    Oh yes, I too suffer from those nasty migraines. I have since my early 20’s. They are so not fun, especially when you are a busy mama trying to take care of your family. Excedrin for Migraine is a close friend of mine, as well. I never leave home without it. :-)

  43. 43

    I am a member of the dreaded ‘Monthly Migraine’ club. Started right off when I first started my period at 12. I went to pick up the newest Baby Sitters Club book when I suddenly realized I was about to vomit and couldn’t see out my left eye. I had no idea what was happening to me. I was so upset that I remember my mom crying for me. It got worse every month. So bad that I nearly canceled my 13th birthday party :(

    Now that my daughter started hers just a few days ago I fear for her. I pray this is not hereditary! (for the sake of all of us!!!!)

  44. 44

    My mom and husband both get them. My mom was always so bad growing up that we never knew if she had a stomach bug or migraine. I’m so glad there’s medicine out there to give relief to those that need it!

  45. 45

    No migraines for me thank goodness, but a dear friend’s child suffers horribly – wish I could help her.

  46. 46

    I am a card-carrying member of the migraine club though I would gladly give up that membership at the drop of a hat if I could. I love Excedrin Migraine and the relief it provides me when I am reduced to the fetal position in my dark and silent bedroom until it passes!

  47. 47

    I get occasional migraines, and my mom has them too. I usually head straight to bed.

  48. 48

    I thank my lucky stars that I don’t suffer from migraines. One of my coworkers suffers from them and he carries around a giant bottle of Excedrin for just that purpose. He even would unplug the floursecent light bulb above his desk because it would trigger his mirgraines. I’m glad you found something that works for you though! :)

  49. 49

    I’ve suffered from migraines since I was 16 years old. I’m 33 now. Since I had my babies the migraines have gotten so much worse and more frequent. Before, they would only last 1 day. Now they are sticking around for at least 3. THREE DAYS!!! I have two kids under 5!! (you know what I’m talking about!!) I have a closet full of prescribed pain medicine that hardly works. But, do you know what else I have? At any given moment you will find TWO bottles of Excedrin Migraine in there too. I never want to run out. It may take 3 days to work, but at least IT WORKS. :)

  50. 50

    Thankful to NOT have inherited migraines from my dad, who used to suffer regularly. I have had a few “aura” situations, but I have figured out the trigger so I have managed to avoid them…