Because We’re Just SO Irish

I woke up yesterday, and groggily signed onto my email account and opened up Twitter.

To find a bunch of tweets reminding me that…


Oh yeah.  Oops.

Luckily, it’s pretty easy to pull off a St. Patty’s Day morning with no little advance planning.

Starting with a quick note scrawled on our giant kitchen chalkboard.

And fewer things in life are more nauseating easier to pull together than green pancakes.

Rummaging through your tablecloth cupboard (what, don’t you have one?!) and the kids’ plasticware for anything and everything green.

Which, incidientally, Henry has been declaring for the last two weeks: “Mom, did you know that green is my favorite color?”

Since when did you get old enough to have a favorite color???!!!

Only big kids have things like favorite colors.  Not you.  You’re too little for the sophistication of favorite colors.  (and why green?)

Needless to say, he was pretty excited to see the table.

Because you know “green is my fa-vo-rite color Mom!  Did you know?!”

Can we pause the celebration for a moment and reflect on how vile green pancakes on a green plate on a green tablecloth look?


The rest of the day consisted of playing outside in the water table, eating more pretzels than is likely healthy, and while the littles napped I randomly decided to bake this:

Rainbow cake!  (It’s just 2 boxes of white cake mix divided up into 6 bowls and dyed using cake dyes.  Frosting is Meg’s cool whip frosting.)

Notice how I didn’t frost the sides?  I baked the layers in those “throwaway” foil cake pans (that I wash and use again) with scalloped edges…scalloped edges which are *really* hard to frost.  (you can see in the pic below where I started to frost the sides and gave up quickly).

Actually, it was yummy to have a little less frosting…that stuff is SUH-WEET.

I also made corned beef and cabbage for dinner (which I bought earlier in the week, so that part was planned)…not that the kids ate it…but if making a rainbow cake and putting out a green tablecloth doesn’t put you in the running for Coolest Mom in the Universe…

well, then I’m screwed.

(Lucy had inhaled her cake by the time it was her turn to get a picture.  But as photographic evidence that I did not, in fact slight her of her portion, there is a crumb from the green layer between her eyes.  Oh, and this face?  It’s the CHEEEEEEESE face she makes when I pull out the camera.  Nerd.)

Did you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with your kids?  What’d you do?  Did you plan ahead?


And while you’re here a few things:

  1. Did you enter to win $70 worth of Dayspring product yet?  (I’m picking a winner tomorrow!!!)
  2. Have you taken the ten second survey?  (Pretty please?)
  3. Have you considered giving $1 to the NILMDTS Foundation?  (With a cherry on top?)
  4. Don’t forget to come back Monday for a new guest post!


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1
    Kim Migut says:

    Love the pictures! I have a quick question on your chalkboard. I have been planning one for a while and I was going to use the chalkboard paint, however I am not a chalk fan so I wanted to use the chalk board markers. The other eday I was reading and several people had said you can not use the chalkboard markers with the chalkboard paint. Is that true? It looks like you use the chalkboard markers. I was not if you had made your board or purchased it.

    Thanks and Happy Friday.


  2. 2

    I poured green glitter in the toilet and the kids were beyond thrilled, exclaiming, “That naughty leprechaun peed in the toilet and didn’t flush!” Oh, and I bought a bunch of those chocolate gold coins and hid them under a rock. And I wore green socks.

  3. 3

    You definitely win the cool mom award. I’ll totally let you be my mom next St. Patrick’s day if it means I get rainbow cake. I’m obsessed with it ever since I saw it on Meg’s blog. I need to just crack down and do it!
    Kim´s last blog post ..Lets Take a Field Trip to Keep Up With the Johnsons

  4. 4

    Love it. That rainbow cake looks fun!

  5. 5

    I love that table cloth! what a gorgeous family.

  6. 6

    My kids love St. Patrick’s Day! And I had planned to do something cool but it’s sort of annoying when it showed up right in the middle of finals week. We didn’t do as much as last year, but the kids still had fun:
    Christa´s last blog post ..Day 161- Super Moon