Truck Love

Every year, the husband attends an annual cult club event for Land Cruiser owners.

It happens to be held about 15 minutes from our house, so it’s easy to pop by after naps and leave before too much crankiness rears its ugly head.

Every year, I harass him for being so in love with a hunk of steel and rubber.

Every year, I have fun in spite of myself.

There were over 400 LandCruisers trolling the sand this year.

With the pinnacle event: Dune Jumping.

Trucks barrelling up a sand dune to see how much air they could get.

The weather was kinda crummy this year and it sprinkled off and on.

So the boys were forced to watch the crazy from the inside of my heated car.

I love that I captured this moment.

This is so them.

“Daddy, can we jump mama’s truck too?  High in the sky?”

I can’t describe to you how special it is to watch my boys bond.

To see Andy’s chest swell with pride as his son revels in the same things he likes.

The grin that covers his face as his 3 year old talks about engines and spark plugs and “missons” (transmissions).

I love knowing that they will be motorheads together someday.

Finally the torrential downpour ended (that’s California speak for sprinkling), and the kids got to play in the sand for a bit.

And Miss LuLu probably had the most fun of all.

We spent much of the time chasing after her.

If we let her have her way she would have happily dove headfirst into the ocean.

So Andy would run after her…she would cry and kick and throw a fit…and repeat.

I love this picture of Jill’s teeny-ness bookmarked by our giant cars.

She was so dainty and girly playing in the sand.

As opposed to this girl who ate the sand.

And poured it on her hair.

And laid down rolling around in it.

And altogether about gave me a heart attack.  (Remember this post?)

I don’t know that I will ever understand a little boy’s fascination with a simple wheeled thing.

Petting the LC.  Dad would be so proud.

And not because I personally care so much, but I know it would make Andy happy…some car pics.


And hers.

Let’s face it: I do love my car.  But really, it’s because of the butt warmers.

And the fact that we are still squarely camped in the Anti-MiniVan League.

We’ll see how that works whenever Kid #4 shows up.

And oh how I wished my photography skills were better!

The clouds and the sky and the ocean played for us a gorgeous show.

By the way, I’m working really hard on figuring out how to ACTUALLY use my camera.

You know, all that ISO, apperture, shutter priority, white balance stuffs.

I’m forcing myself to stay off of Auto mode.

So, my photos are getting worse before they get better.

Just thought you should know.  :)

What did you do this weekend?

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I love pictures of my “boys” together too…gives me that heart bursting kind of feeling.
    Adam and Lucy could be the same kids – he is the same way at the beach. And little Jilly is just so scrumptious! You are one blessed mama. And um…baby #4 huh? can’t wait to read more about that :)
    Kirsten´s last blog post ..Rainy Daze

  2. 2

    uh, i resemble that comment about mini-vans. just for the record, i never really wanted a mini van but they are very convenient and i’m short and the automatic doors are really nice. and mine has a booty warmer, too. i have an understanding with the van. can we still be friends?

  3. 3

    Your whole post I was thinking, “these are gorgeous photos.” And then you said they aren’t good yet! I really am in need of the booty warmer in my van for my Arctic Ohio winters. I’m talking -20 and snow from November to late April…. hmmm Christmas is coming…
    Mari´s last blog post ..Musings from a Mother of 4 at a University Gym

  4. 4

    In MI, we have a state park an hour north of us, on Lake MI, where we do the same thing. Spend all day driving our truck through sand dunes. So much fun! I have launched a truck over the fun fun! My hubby and his friends decided one day to see who could make it over “test” (the biggest dune) in reverse. I SCREAMED the whole time. :-)

  5. 5

    My daughter had a play date with a friends’ son, who is, shall we say … a little aggressive? By the time the play date was over they were screaming whilst around the house, throwing things, having temper tantrums and saying ‘no’ with gleeful abandon. That was Saturday. Yesterday I had to recover, so I lay about eating warm cinnamon rolls, drinking home-roasted coffee and watching Harry Potter. I had an extended weekend, and went up north to be at the hospital for the birth of my great-nephew. Short (2 day) work week starts tomorrow!

  6. 6

    My BIL is SO into that sort of thing, too. I just personally don’t “get” it. Oh well. But hey – for when #4 arrives, I just want you to know, there are some pretty rockin mini-vans out there – butt heaters and all! :-) All the cool moms have one…
    Lindsay´s last blog post ..Quatro is a…………………

  7. 7

    amazing pictures! truly! and the kiddos…oh my word. they are SO beautiful :)
    Jennifer´s last blog post ..I’m all sparkly