The Part Of Being A Mom I Could Do Without

So, I’m fairly new to this whole stay at home mom thing.

Been doing it about a year now.


I have yet to get “bored”.

I have yet to wish instead to go to an office all day.

And even on the worst days when my kids are driving me BANANAS…I think to myself: “would I rather be working instead?”

No, not even then.

Okay…until yesterday.

True story.

I had a migraine all day.  Not just a headache.  A migraine.

And if you’ve never had a migraine before, #1) I hate you and #2) you suck.

The whole day was a blur of lots of TV time for the kids and pretty much living by the following two rules:

1) Is it permanent?

2) Is it fatal?


As long as the answer to both of those questions was no…it was good by mom.

“Mommy, can I have a brownie?”


“Mommy, can Lucy and Jilly have a brownie too?”


“Can we eat them in the living room?”

Thinking…not permanent…not fatal.

“Sure.  Just TRY to not make a mess.”  Okay, that was too many words…my brain is going to explode.

You know, because my three year old and two 15 month olds can pull that off.

Because my head is pounding in ways that even the thought of brownie crumbs all over my floors and CREAM COLORED couches can’t sway me to deal with it.

And that’s pretty much how my entire day went.

Until…at one point, I’m sitting on the couch holding Jill.  Just kinda laying there with my eyes closed.

When all of a sudden, the intense desire to puke took hold.

{See, this was a doozie of a headache!  I’m not even being dramatic folks!}

And I practically THREW the poor kid on the floor, and took off running to the bathroom.

Where I didn’t quite make it.

And in between heaving hurls of nasty, I’m yelling:

“I’m sorry Jilly!”

(who is crying hysterically because I wasn’t so gentle getting her off my lap)


“LUCY!!!  Do not touch the VOMIT!!!  GET AWAY FROM IT NOW!!!”

(because of course, nothing is more intriguing than this new substance on the bathroom floor)


“Henry! If watching me puke is going to make you gag, please get OUT!”

(because apparently the whole seeing-someone-else-puke-makes-you-want-to-puke-too thing starts young)

{cough, cough, puke}

“Can everyone PLEASE GET OUT!!!  I don’t need an audience!!!”

And the best part of all?

I got to clean up my own vomit.


With my head pounding so hard I can hardly see straight.

“Mommy can we have more Halloween candy?”

“uggghhhh…yes…but you have to go get Mommy’s phone first…”

“Andy…I’m dying…must…come…home…now…”

I made it without calling him until 4:30.  I think I did pretty good.

I feel much better now thank you.

Luckily it wasn’t the flu.  “Just” a nasty migraine.

Andy handled dinner for the kids and then got us In-N-Out and I scored a strawberry shake for my troubles.

He’s a keeper.

But seriously…the ONE drawback to being a SAHM to me is: NO SICK DAYS.

Even when I got sick and worked full time, I would still take Henry to daycare and then come home to lay around alone.

You still have to make PB&J’s when you are dry heaving.  You still have to change diapers and wipe butts when you have a fever.  You still have to read stories and break up fights when you feel like dying.

It’s pretty cruddy.  For reals.

Henry ate an absurd amount of candy, Lucy appears to have a slight black eye, and Jill’s diaper was filled to the maximum absorbancy Pampers engineered.

But you know what?

They lived.

I lived.

We made it through.

What’s your least favorite part of being a mom?  At home or otherwise?

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1
    Rachel Slagle says:

    migraines are the worst. when I get them I literally can not see. my vision is totally gone. really makes me appreciate having near perfect vision the other days :) and I agree – being sick is hands down the worst part of mommyhood.

  2. 2

    Ah….yeah…I’m with you on the “no sick days” part. I don’t get migraines often, but when I do, the world, of course, is ending. My husband used to work on the road doing national construction. Once, he was on his way home for the weekend – about a 5 hour drive from that job. I was DYING with a migraine. I called him every 20 minutes to see how close he was to home.
    Jennifer´s last blog post ..Ruffles- Ruffles- Everywhere!

  3. 3

    Yep, you nailed it, that’s the one: being sick. And still having to carry on. I do the permanent/fatal thing in my head too…will it kill them? No? Then it’s okay.

    THANKfully it’s a bit easier now that I have bigger kids too. They’ll get me water, bring me the baby, I barely have to leave the couch. BUT, it’s still really hard.

    And I used to get regular migraines (thankfully I don’t anymore, knock on wood.) And yes they included vomiting every single time, and it was AWFUL. Really, really awful. I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy.

    SO glad you’re feeling better now!!! I’m sorry your day was so awful, and here’s hoping you don’t have another migraine, well, ever.
    Brianna´s last blog post ..Halloween creation- popcorn balls

  4. 4

    I have to agree, being sick is one of the toughest parts of motherhood… why is it that when the husband is sick, even on a weekend, he just falls asleep and nothing wakes him up unless someone from 3 miles away whispers “Free concert tickets to see Journey!”, and when I try to take a 30 minute nap to give myself a boost, the kids come in to wake me up every minute or two to ask things like “Can so-and-so come over two weeks from now?” LOL
    JD´s last blog post ..My Sponsor Child Spoils me!

  5. 5

    Oh, my head is just aching for you. Migraines are the absolute worst. I’m not a mother yet, so I wouldn’t know about caring for kids during one, but I can definitely imagine that it is no fun.
    Glad to hear you’re feeling better!
    elise´s last blog post ..Im a big girl- I can tie my own sandals and everything

  6. 6

    Oh, Jeannett. I’m so so sorry. How awful! Have you gotten those regularly?? I hope today is a much better day.

  7. 7

    Soooooo funny, so true. Yes, I and a mom of nine who gets migraines weekly, and terrible ones like you described once a month. The day after a “big one” I feel like I have just been reborn. I mean that in the sense that you feel so stinkin’ bad that the next day when the headache is gone you are truly a new person. Make any sense?
    And I mean funny because I have been there and can laugh, because I can. Not that I don’t have a heart and care that you were sick. Just sayin.

  8. 8

    You said it. What a bummer. JD hit the nail on the head with the difference in our sick days too! Glad it’s passed now. Give yourself one more rest day just so you don’t relapse. And by rest, I mean, spoil yourself rotten, Dearie!

  9. 9

    You poor doll. I don’t have kids, but I do know it’s hard enough dealing with the dogs when I am sick, I cannot imagine dealing with tiny people. Especially since my Mister NEVER gets sick, so I’m not sure he would be very sympathetic.
    Oona´s last blog post ..Monkey Love

  10. 10

    Homework. By far. Hated it then. Hate it now. Hope you’re feeling better! :)

  11. 11

    Migraines. Suck. @ss. Wait, can I say that on here? Have I turned into a scary mommy? Crud, I think I was scary before I had a child…

    I was going bananas staying at home with my daughter and was happy to go back to work because the best part about my job is … day care and sick leave … just like you, when I’m sick, my daughter goes to day care and I stay home, sleeping… before I went back to work and was not well (migraine was usually the culprit), it was super hard to take care of my daughter because my migraines were so debilitating… and that nausea/vomiting combo is no joke…


  12. 12

    Migraines ARE the worst! Your puking story had me laughing, but also feeling so sorry for you! :) And I’m so glad to hear that I’m not the only mom who does too much TV time and “eat whatever you want” when I’m not feeling well.
    The thing I like least about staying home is that my husband travels a lot for work, so that means that sometimes, for several days straight, there is no one to relieve me at the end of the day.
    Alison´s last blog post ..New Items in the Shop

  13. 13

    Ditto. No sick days. And siblings teasing each other and fighting for no reason whatsoever. Those are my biggest Mom annoyances.
    Shannon´s last blog post ..Children Are Tyrants – That’s Nothing New

  14. 14

    This post made me laugh so hard that I cried. In fact I sent it to all of my mommy friends for a pick me up on a Monday. I have had a hard couple of weeks and your blog has helped so much. It’s like having you to talk to and cheer me up. Thank you for that! Oh, and I think that your photography skills are getting really good! Loved the picture of Henry walking on the beach… beautiful!

    Love you,


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